You might be tempted to purchase a bottle of fake urine at your local drug store. It looks and smells exactly like human urine. However, this can have very serious consequences if you get caught. Read this article to learn more about this controversial substance. However, legal in some states, fake urine is a hazardous way to cheat drug tests. Here are some tips on how to use fake urine properly. Follow the directions on the packaging. Follow the temperature range for best results.
Synthetic urine is a substance that resembles human urine
Synthetic urine is a substance that closely resembles human urinary fluid. It is available in different forms, including liquid and powder, and is typically dissolved in water. Modern fake urine comes in small bottles or kits. Depending on its strength, it can be used for various purposes. For example, synthetic urine is helpful for drug tests when an accurate sample of urine is not available. In addition, synthetic urine can be made with a variety of chemicals to provide a convincing example of urine.
To obtain a quality sample of human urine, a person needs to be aware of its composition. A standard urine sample is 90-100 degrees Fahrenheit, and urine over this temperature is categorically rejected. However, if the synthetic urine sample is below the desired temperature, it may be considered contaminated. An average body temperature is 98.6 degrees, making it safe to use for testing. For a woman, a waistline pack with a flexible hose is recommended since it discharges urine between her legs while sitting on the toilet. For men, a penis-sized shaped device is available.
It is used to falsify drug test results
The use of fake urine has become a significant issue because it is not only illegal but also challenging to detect. Because it becomes cloudy, contaminated, or congealed, fake urine can be used to pass any drug test without anyone even knowing it is fake. Although it is not against federal law, creating a drug test can be detrimental to your job or career. In some cases, you can even face jail time. So, while you may not be able to pay for your crimes, it is still a serious matter that you should be aware of.
The Whizzinator, which Puck Technology purchased, was later used to cheat drug tests. It was sold to a sports memorabilia bar in Minnesota. During the congressional hearings, the Whizzinator was mentioned about 20 times and was considered the main culprit. It was eventually dismissed, but not before Smith’s luggage had even arrived. Although these two men were convicted, their invention was not thrown out of court.
It is legal in some states
It may sound bizarre to hear that fake urine is legal in some states, but it’s true. Those in the drug screening industry have a strong argument for this policy. Fake urine is so common that the U.S. government has banned its sale in some states. These laws are spurred by the tragic case of Randy Randall, who was sentenced to two years probation for violating his probation.
While some states outlaw fake urine, the practice is still illegal in others. In Mississippi, for example, the “Urine Trouble Act” was drafted by a legislator who was trying to deal with the issue of drug-using employees. The bill passed the Mississippi House but was rejected by the state senate. As of this writing, seventeen states have pending legislation banning the sale of fake urine. However, it is illegal to sell it in some states, and the penalties for selling fake urine are low.
It can be dangerous
Legislators in Michigan want to make fake urine illegal. This practice enables people to pass a drug test by using someone else’s clean urine. For example, the Tobacco Shoppe in Adrian, Michigan, offers drug screens to prospective employees. During a drug test, the prospective employee is told they must pass a drug test. The prospective employee is then given a urine test, where the fake pee closely resembles the real thing.
Fake urine is becoming an increasingly common way to evade drug tests. Drug tests, which go back 90 days for urine, can also be performed on saliva. The consequences of testing positive are severe. An estimated 2,200,000 people have positive urine results. However, many of these tests were actually false positives. Luckily, fake urine is difficult to smuggle into a lab. Laboratory facilities are equipped with a number of safeguards, including no bags or coats. They also shut off the faucets.