Features of ibeacon app development
Many giant companies like Starbucks are using beacon apps successfully. Seeing this usability, other companies are also following suit. Though it offers various incredible features, this latest wireless technology still has some limitations.
ibeacon app development is going through a period of discovery and experiment with potential results, different approaches, and tricks. Developers have started to understand that beacon technology should be used to attract users with promotional offers.
What is ibeacon technology?
ibeacon is a small BLE (blue tooth low-energy) transmitter made by apple. This technology pass on signals to the applications created for beacon connectivity. If your mobile phone carrying such an app is within the area covered by this wireless technology, it will catch the message and reply accordingly.
This technology has enabled the exchange of data and services if your device is within a particular location. Companies can use these beacons to deliver data to nearby consumers.
Outlets in shopping malls can set up beacons. When a user having an iPhone with an ibeacon application will navigate through the line of stores, they will be notified immediately by the outlet. This will happen as soon as they step inside the signal range.
Some exclusive features of ibeacon app development are helping significantly in the growth of the retail and e-commerce industry.
Here are some of the features of ibeacon app development.
Tracing to locate the user
With one-way radios, beacons are unable to enable two-way communication between an app and the beacon. Beacons can’t know whether users get their notifications or not. Luckily, there is a solution to this limitation.
App developers can develop a register in the app to record the device’s location and then link it with a back-end. After completing this task, developers can modify the application instantly.
Authorization to turn Bluetooth on and enable location services
There are two conditions to make use of iBeacon connectivity. The users should activate the Bluetooth and location services and have a gadget that supports the beacons. The ibeacon enabled applications don’t receive a message until a consumer allows it to use location services and turn Bluetooth on.
Also, beacons don’t start sending tons of notifications to the device as soon as a person steps inside the zone. Additionally, the beacons don’t disturb anyone who doesn’t have an ibeacon app installed on their device.
Enhanced yet balanced user experience
iBeacon application works by calculating the distance between a beacon and a user in the real world. Using this distance, the app connects the information from a beacon according to real-world conditions with the consumer in a supposed context.
It means that app developers need to recognize and select the essentials which can boost the consumer experience. Moreover, they should use those elements while respecting a user’s privacy. The key is to provide an enhanced but balanced experience to users. This way the beacons will be able to forward specified data to the user.
Critical business justification writings
App developers should have corporate logic scripts assumed from various variables they have. It means that an application should gather information about the beacon like its UUID, minor and major numbers, and locality.
A business rationale script operates when a beacon and an app get connected. Then, it offers names of different consumers nearby. This script investigates the data for confidentiality and translates the meaning of “at the beacon”.
Sometimes a program update doesn’t get logged in real-time. Or the user departs from the beacon’s range. App developers can sort this issue out by using an algorithm based on time. It will determine if the person using the device has moved away or is still there within the range.
Developers can utilize other business rationale scripts in their mobile applications. It will help them analyze statistics, observe the latest trends, and make conclusions.
Variable information
Many applications work as well-behaved and closed systems. But ibeacon apps are the total opposite. They work with external radios and signals and can convey signals. Consequently, it appears very untidy.
ibeacon apps need to calculate how far a device is from the beacon. This is very challenging. Radio waves keep rebounding all over the place. If the place is crowded, it becomes even more difficult.
Moreover, different ibeacon hardware creators manufacture beacons with different signal qualities. On top of that, temperature, polling intervals, and device control influence beacon signals that may vary from transmission to transmission. The accuracy of signals change.
The solution; companies that deal with iOS app development in Dubai should design applications that can determine on their own by the data it gets. It means that when an app receives changed information, it should change its decision accordingly.
ibeacon app development is very different from regular app development. Mobile app developers should employ off-the-rack tools and consumer library plugins to eliminate limitations and decrease the time consumed by app development.
In conclusion, this technology can be very useful for businesses to attract more audiences.