Gooseberry, or Amla, is an important crop in India, having medicinal value. These fruits are considered a good liver tonic and the richest source of vitamin C (700 mg per 100 g of fruits). Various preparations using amla consist of Triphala Churna, Brahma Rasayana, Chyavanprash and Madhumega Churna.
The fruit is valued as a diuretic, antiscorbutic, laxative, antibiotic and anti-dysenteric. In addition, Phyllamblin, derived from the fruit’s pulp, has been found to have a mild depressant effect on the central nervous system. Therefore, it has good demand from industries for preparing various health care products like hair oil, dye, face cream and tooth powder. Some people in India also make a pickle of amla
Process of Gooseberry Farming
When you start gooseberry farming, choose the equipment made according to the respective agriculture, which is most important. If you choose any old tractor for gooseberry cultivation, you should be careful and aware of tractors. However, you can choose the Swaraj 855 tractor model or any other tractor model for better farming. Let’s look at the process of gooseberry farming with complete specifications.
Climatic Requirement for Gooseberry Growth
For gooseberry growth, 630-800 mm annual rainfall is ideal. However, amla is a tropical plant. Therefore, you should protect the young plants for up to 3 years from hot wind during May-June and winter. The mature plants can withstand high temperatures and freezing temperatures up to 46°C. The warm environment helps flower buds, whereas from July to August, a high humidity climate is helpful for the development of small dormant fruits.
Soil Requirement for Gooseberry Plantation
For amla cultivation, medium and light heavy soils, except purely sandy soil, are perfect. The tree is well adapted to arid regions, and you can grow it in moderately alkaline soils. Apart from this, You should make the soil suitable for gooseberry cultivation with the help of agricultural implements and machines, including tractors, tillers, cultivators etc. The tractor is the prime factor while using equipment in amla farming. However, you can check all the tractor price online.
Rooting Gooseberry Cuttings
Prepare the container for rooting gooseberry cuttings. Select deep pots and then fill with a mixture of compost and coarse grain. Pour some hormone rooting powder onto a sheet of paper towel. Dip the base end of each cutting into the powder, then put it in the pot with the soil mixture. Plant each to half its depth. Place the pots in a cold frame, garage, or unheated greenhouse. Water them occasionally to keep the medium moist. Keep them in place until next autumn. By that time, the cuttings will have developed roots.
Amla Planting material and Inputs
Before planting, apply 0.5 kg phosphorus and 15 kg of well-composted farmyard manure (FYM) to each pit. From September to October, the application of 30 grams of nitrogen each year for up to 10 years is recommended for each tree.
Propagation in Gooseberry Farming
Amla is generally propagated by shield budding. You do the Budding on one-year-old shoots by collecting buds from the best varieties and giving them large fruits. Top work can replace older trees or poor yielders with better types.
Gooseberry Planting Procedure
During May-June, 1 cubic metre of the pit should be dug 4.5 m x 4.5 m apart and exposed to sunlight for 15-20 days. Before sowing the germinated seeds, you should fill each pit with surface soil by mixing 15 kg of cow dung and 0.5 kg of Phosphorus.
Water Requirement of Gooseberry Plants
During the summer months, young plants require watering at 15-day intervals until they are fully established. Therefore, it is recommended to water the flowering plants at bi-weekly intervals during the summer months. After monsoon rains, about 25-30 litres of water per tree per day should be given through drip irrigation from October-December. Drip irrigation plays a major role in watering gooseberry plants.
Fertiliser Requirement
When preparing the soil, add 10 kg of cow dung and mix it well in the soil. Apply N:P:K fertilisers in the form of Nitrogen 100 g/plant, Phosphorus 50 g/plant and Potassium 100 g/plant. The dose of fertiliser is given to a one-year-old plant, and it is increased continuously for 10 years. A full dose of Phosphorus and half of Potassium and Nitrogen are provided as a basal dose in January-February. The remaining half dose is given in August. Boron and Zinc Sulphate @ 100-500 g in sodic soil is given depending on the age and strength of the tree.
Weed Control
Frequent weeding to make the field weed-free. Training and sorting are also done. Finally, the criss-cross branches are cut, and only 4-5 straight branches are left behind for further growth. Mulching is also an effective method of controlling soil weeds. In summer, mulching is carried out up to 15-10 cm of the trunk from the tree’s base.
Control measures of Pest and Disease
Injection of Monocrotophos 0.03% or Endosulfan 0.05% into the hole and plugging it with soil protects the tree against a caterpillar eating bark. In addition, two sprays of Indofil M-45 @ 0.3% for the first time in early September and the second after 15 days of application control the spread of rust.
Harvesting of Gooseberry
About 4 to 5 years after planting, amla plants start bearing. Farmers harvest the fruit during February when they become dull greenish-yellow. Ripe fruits are hard, do not fall off with a light touch, and therefore require vigorous shaking. You can also harvest this fruit using long bamboo sticks attached to thorns.
Grading is done after harvesting. The fruits are then packed in crates, bamboo baskets, or wooden boxes. The crop is properly packaged for less spoilage and requires quick transportation. Many products like amla powder, Churna, Chyawanprash, arista and sweet preserves are made from gooseberry fruits.
Equipment Requirement
When you want information about gooseberry cultivation, you should also know the equipment that will help boost the yield. Cultivators, Tillers and tractors are crucial factors in gooseberry farming. You can buy the Mahindra Jivo tractor and choose another best tractor brand model.
Before starting gooseberry farming, you should take a detour of this blog. For further information regarding gooseberry farming in India, stay tuned with us.