One of life’s most significant concerns must be, “What purpose does my life serve?”, “what is my purpose of life. “What feelings do you have when you say it out loud? Excited, enquiring, problematic, or unimportant? Allow your feelings to surface, name them, and stay present with them. What do they intend to convey to you? According to contemporary psychology, living a life that is in line with your sense of meaning and purpose gives you motivation and well-being and serves as the basis for a regular, balanced existence that is happy and rewarding.
Being Guided Into Your Life’s Purpose
We are born with our purpose, just like with morals. It is comparable to the seed inside of us that sprouts, develops bigger and bigger each year, and eventually blooms into a tree. It is something that cannot be avoided.
To avoid the inescapable truth about who we are or the path that our purpose is leading us down in life, this is another reason why we occasionally start moving through life at an increasingly rapid pace. If you are wondering what your purpose is, then take the what is my purpose quiz.
Chasing personal Growth And Self-Realization
Some of us tend to automatically follow our purpose, but the majority of us—need to fight against social standards that prevent us from realizing what matters to us & who we are. We have the option of leaving our golden prison or living free.
Freedom is the opposite of the golden cage, which is staying in our comfort zones, stagnating & living passively while feeling numb, cynical & grey. It represents an unpredictable future with the chance of victory & failure, personal growth, and learning. What mood are you in day-to-day life? Allow it to lead you. It won’t be a simple road in either case.
Yes, there will be ups and downs to it. To escape the unseen cage we frequently aren’t aware of requires guts. Who else will think this? How am I going to handle my finances? Am I up to par? What will occur? Failure and success are intrinsically linked. Every victory is followed by a failure and every defeat by a triumph. The secret is to recognize the cyclical pattern of life, learn from it, and progress along with it. Whatever occurs, we always move steadily forward in the direction of our goal.
Well, if you’re taking what is my purpose quiz, you should know about the 3 steps to tune with your future.
Three Steps To Tune With Your Purpose
We want to let you know that you already own all you require before we get started. Your knowledge may be simply very quiet in comparison to the other thoughts in your head. Your thought is like a raucous family shouting advice at you from a thousand different angles based on your expectations, concerns, beliefs, and cultural conventions.
They make it extremely difficult for you to listen to yourself. Wondering about what is my purpose of life? So how can you navigate that tangled web of your thoughts? Let us lead you through a technique that will help you connect with your inner self.
- Become aware of the present moment
Take a deep breath in and out while keeping your eyes closed and your body relaxed. Feel how the air fills your nostrils and lungs as you inhale, expanding as it travels to the bottom of your stomach. Make sure you try to feel how your stomach moves toward your spine as you exhale, pushing air up and out of your nostrils.
Repeat 5–10 times, paying attention to how your entire body—including your heart, soul & mind—feels each time. Take in each of these dimensions. What does your awareness include?
- Think about how you want the world & your life to be
Imagine seeing the world, or even simply your city or neighborhood, from the outside. You can see & feel what’s going on within by holding it in your palms like a crystal ball.
What do you hope your influence will be on what you observe and experience?
Take note of any feelings, images, or words that occur to you. What are they advising you to do? When you are prepared to move on, open your eyes, take notes, and then proceed with the following questions. Stay here for a bit.
What would you do with your life if there were absolutely no limitations?
Where and with whom would you live?
What is my purpose of life?
In your regular existence, how would you wish to feel? What dreams would you like to fulfill? Make a list.
- Make It REAL
Examine your notes. What do you start to notice? What gives your life purpose? Can you even think about your goal? Observe how you are progressing along your journey by taking the what is my purpose quiz.
What would you like to modify or implement in your daily life?
What are the initial, modest steps?
What can you do to succeed?
Who will lend you a hand?
What obstacles lie in your path, if any & how can you get over or around them? You can see that your following steps are now evident. Wishing you a sunny sky and a favorable wind direction.
Finding your meaning in life is a lifetime adventure, but once you’ve found it, you’ll realize that your life is going to open up in some way you never imagined.
Your sights will be awakened to all the opportunities around you, and you will encounter new heights of opportunity. Turning towards your thoughts and diving in is the key to discovering your mission.