We tend to think about everything we need to succeed when we are looking for work or job search. Everything is in our heads, from preparing the resume to how to act in interviews to how to dress and how to respond to difficult questions.
We make mistakes that can prove to be very serious, either because of our lack of experience, or because we are so excited about the adventure, but these errors can often be fatal. But they can be fixed with minimal effort. Many of these mistakes can be considered “childish”, but you’ll likely recall a similar situation when you look for a job.
We are here to assist and guide you. We have compiled a list of the most common errors you make when searching for a job.
Check most common mistakes in job search
1. Neglecting the curriculum or the cover letter
Your resume and cover letter are your business cards. They are where you shine at first glance. Just as you wouldn’t go to a store with unattractive clothes in the window, so is your resume. People who see it will not be drawn to you if the document has been neglected both in content and presentation. You can check the resume objective examples over the internet before starting to write.
This is also true for letters. Because they are more detailed, you need to be more careful with spelling. For both cases it is better to not go overboard and create a personal and attractive design that will make you stand out from the rest.
2. Do not show consideration to the person or company you are addressing
We are sure that you won’t write anything disrespectful. And we are also certain that you won’t be arrogant when you address anyone who could give you a job. Have you ever considered that everyone appreciates personal attention?
This means that in your cover letter or email, (not in the curriculum), you address the company or person you are writing to. You must also explain the reasons you wrote to them. This is very obvious and leaves a negative impression.
3. Lying during Job Search
We have discussed this before, but it is one of the biggest mistakes in job search. In order to get an extra point, it is tempting to exaggerate or use subtlety that isn’t entirely true.
Even the most innocuous lies can lead to trouble. These things are easier to identify than you might think, and can easily expose you. In personal interviews, it is better to be truthful and acknowledge your real knowledge, skills, and experience.
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4. Failure to plan and keep order
You’re likely to be sending out resumes and posting a lot of job ads if you are in the middle of a job hunt. While this can give you the impression that you are doing all you can to find a job opportunity, it also has its downsides.
First, it will be more expensive to keep track and monitor all offers. Second, it will be difficult for you to not make the second mistake. You may end up applying to offers that aren’t relevant to you or that have not been reciprocated due to your education or experience.
5. It is difficult to keep track of your processes
This isn’t something you can do if your messages are sent to more people than you were advised. However, it could happen even if you have a more targeted message. You will lose many opportunities if you don’t know the answers or you don’t meet the deadlines.
You will be able to keep track of your shipments and ensure that everything is planned and done correctly. You will also impress recruiters by maintaining a tidy follow-up.
Even though you consider your social media networks personal and not professional, they could lead to unwanted slips. You don’t want your personal and professional life mixed up. Keep your profiles private. (LinkedIn and Twitter).
Avoid this: These profiles are more public than ever and can be seen by recruiters. You can draw any kind of behavior or statement from these profiles that are incompatible with the job you are applying for or that makes you feel that you aren’t the right candidate.
7. Unable to adapt to the labor marketplace
Like everything else, the labor market is constantly changing and has its own rules. It is different to look for a job today than ten years ago. The paths and profiles are not the same.
It may take some time to learn the new features and to complement your training. It’s never a bad idea to update and renew your profile. In these cases it may even prove useful.
These are mistakes we all have made when searching for work. While we don’t want to admit that we’ve made them all, or that they are the only ones that have, they can be the most damaging and obvious to your chances of success in your job search.
These errors are easy to fix if you’re looking for either civil engineering jobs or other jobs and find one.
8. Don’t speak poorly of your past jobs
Even if your former boss or colleagues caused you to quit, it doesn’t matter if you did not do well at your new job search.
It is not a good idea to criticize your boss or your predecessor boss , as it will show that you have little professionalism.
Consider the interviewer as someone who doesn’t know you but is evaluating your abilities. Criticizing others can lead to a poor impression. It is better not to be professional but discreet.
Be cautious. If they ask why you quit your job, you might say you wanted to grow professionally in a company that didn’t offer any.
9. Are you certain of the references that you have provided?
It is best to decline to provide references from previous jobs if they don’t have any.
Refer to your work, for instance. You could be subject to filtering and damage.
Consider the people who will be able to refer you to your future employer. Let them know if possible.
10. Follow up call or email
It is possible to send a second email to anyone you like.
You will look great because you will be interested in the process and the position .
An email is more effective, “annoys” less. I thank you for your opportunity to join the process and ask where you are at.
You now know how to successfully start your job search after you have learned the common mistakes people make.
11. Strengths & weaknesses
You’re not perfect. Everyone makes mistake during job search. It is important to know your strengths and your weaknesses.
Ask your friends and family to help you discover what you’re good at. Show the recruiter that your skills, knowledge, and hobbies are appropriate for the job.
Your profile should be focused on the most important skills. Give examples of how you have used or acquired these skills at work.
12. Don’t claim to be the best during new Job Search
You must demonstrate your strengths and why you are the best choice to fill the job, but you should not believe in yourself or prove that you are superior , as you don’t know anyone else who would like to do the same job.
If you’re arrogant or a person who thinks they can do it all, you will be unable to get a job.