Few years back India was affluent enough in the matter of education in urban cities only. Rural India was kept away from education for a very long time. It was a perception in villages of India that educated people leave their villages in search of jobs and suffer a lot in jobs in urban areas. Rural people live a very simple and relaxed life far away from the hectic lifestyle of urban areas. Therefore, rural people never paid much attention towards education at that old time. But the time passed by and rural people also came to know the importance of education and started putting their interest in it too.
Governments changed and their policies for education also changed accordingly. Where the Indian Government prepared plans to raise the literacy rate in India, especially in rural areas. The Indian government started many plans such as sarv saakshartaa abhiyaan and beti padhao beti bachao in order to promote education. The Indian government tried to give a new face to rural India hence. Rural India being educated are achieving new records and constructing epitome of success. For this purpose, the Indian government not only educated rural people but also gave them training in technically advanced equipment and advanced digital world also. Now School managements are also adapting ERP for school for smooth school management. Now students are getting to know about new terms in education like ERP, ERP full form and its details. Rural areas in India are now responding towards the summon of development such as kids and students of village areas in India started to go to the schools regularly and government also took care of providing proper meal, teaching aids, and well qualified teachers so that students who belong to rural areas should not feel themselves lag behind from urban areas students.
The same way education in rural areas is also getting digitally developed it is as much important as ERP for school. As the time passing by rural people and students are getting proper knowledge of technology such as mobile and the apps in it are encouraging these people to learn more and due to which now students from rural areas even are getting proper knowledge of subjects and topics they are learning with the help of internet through videos, assignments, lectures, and study materials available in multi languages. Now students of rural areas are also getting acquainted with modern terms of online education like ERP, ERP full form and its details. Here it doesn’t matter if a student is from a village of Kerala, he can get study material in Malayalam or if he is from Uttar Pradesh, he will get study material in Hindi. Keeping the above stated facts in concern it becomes necessary that education should be made free for the students. Let’s understand why?
As far as my opinion is concerned, everyone should get free education. But there are people who oppose this idea of free education because they think that the government spends a lot of money on education for the whole country so that the literacy rate of the country can be improved at every level. When free education will reach the people of the whole country it will improve the economic status of the country also. Those kids who belong to poor backgrounds and are not able to get proper education also have talent and potential to achieve a lot in their academic career and in life but they do not get a chance to have this fortune due to lack of that necessary amount of money which is needed for basic education. Fees structures of educational institutions which are rapidly rising are becoming big trouble for middle-class and poor families due to which they remain sacred for their children’s future.
Free education leads a safe and sound life. As an illiterate person it is like a pistol without a safety lock. For example, being illiterate a person who wishes to give medicine to a patient can give wrong medicine as he/she is unable to read the name of correct medicine can harm someone whereas a literate person will be able to read the medication process properly and can cure an ill person soon. Well, these days the presence of online education has already played a good role in increasing literacy rate. Although the government is trying hard to cover this loss to the nation at most possible extent by freeing education in all government schools till high school. It is often seen that the countries who support free education for children, their population is highly educated and their citizens highly innovative and creative in all fields.