Researchgate.Net This project was funded by the Department of Agrarian Reform to Niel Novalic and Terence B. Burgos. In the US, the project was fund by the US National Institute of Health to Douglas C. Avery. Additional support was provided by the Immigration and Refugee Program of Human Concerns (Canada) Researchgate.Net.
The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
Introduction a New York Times article publish in 2008 reported that 60 percent of all male born in the Philippine and residing in the United State between 1965 and 1972 were account.
This was compare to 18 percent of male born in Colombia. No similar estimate of Filipino migrants exists for the United States. Filipino-American migrants came to the United States as “undergraduates, soldiers, brides, executives, and factory workers” . In general.
The source and destination countries for Filipino migrants are different as seen in this graph. Two types of Filipinos have been migrating to the United States. Those migrating to the United States as students came to the United States to complete their degrees Researchgate.Net.
And those migrating as migrant workers came for seasonal or temporary work and eventually return to the Philippines. As most of these migrants belong to the second group, we defined “undergraduates” as those who had a Bachelor’s Degree.
Postgraduate Degree
Those belonging to the first group included those who had a Postgraduate Degree, Licentiate Degree or Certificate Researchgate.Net. Undergraduate from third and fourth group were not include in our study. The range of years that people migrated ranged from 1965 to 1979.
People who migrated before 1965 were younger in both genders and had a higher education. Men from third and fourth group started migrating in late 1970’s or in early 1980’s and so had completed their degree when migrated. This group did not return to the Philippines immediately after migrating Researchgate.Net.
The average age of the undergrads ranged between 27 and 31 years. The researchers thought that one-third of this group were working and another one-third was studying. The researchers referred to a study conducted in New York City and other large urban centers with Filipino population.
Researchers interviewed respondents to find out where they worked and lived and also their educational background and other circumstances. The researchers found that people migrated for different reasons. They were either unemploy, looking for work or were already employ and had no opportunity to further their studie Researchgate.Net.
The survey showed that the number of Filipino migrants increased from 1995 to1999 and the size of this group stayed constant. The number of people with Bachelor’s Degree increased from 20 percent to 34 percent over the period and the number of people with Postgraduate Degree increased from 8 percent to 18 percent Researchgate.Net.
This group was not demographically different from people who migrated earlier. The average age of the people who migrated was in the early thirties. People who migrated during the early seventies migrated as migrant workers and they were in their twenties. As people migrated from fifth and sixth group started migrating,
The average age of the migrants was in their early thirties. The researchers found that people migrated for different reasons. They were either unemployed, looking for work or were already employed and had no opportunity to further their studies.
We excluded people with a job or a job offer to compare the undergrads to those who migrated as migrant workers. We also excluded people who migrated as foreign domestic workers. Results our study comprised 654 undergrads from the New York Metropolitan area, the Asian Community, and its metropolitan statistical area.
We found that there were three variables that influenced the decisions of people migrating to the United States. The three variables included educational background, job offer and location.
The factors varied in relation to age. People who migrated with postgraduate degree, as well as people who migrated as students, had a higher employment rate than those who migrated as unskilled workers.
Domestic worker
The respondents had a lower employment rate if they migrated without a job offer. Even though those who migrated without a job offer had a higher income than those who migrated with a job offer, the individuals who migrated without a job offer still earned a lower income than those who migrated with a job offer.
People with higher education had a higher income than people who had a Bachelor’s Degree. A higher employment rate was also found for people who migrated without a student visa, people with a job offer or people who migrated as a foreign domestic worker.
The variable of location was the only one that was not found to be related to income. It was positively correlated with educational level. Unsurprisingly, Filipinos with a high income were more likely to migrate from New York than low-income Filipinos.
The researchers found that the main motivation for people to migrate to the United States was the desire to be able to acquire new skills and knowledge. Other reasons included obtaining employment, to be reunited with family members, for job security, and seeking high quality of life.
The respondents did not regret their decision to migrate. Most of them were satisfied with their career path and job. They felt more confident to migrate compared to a few years ago.
The respondents were not happy with how they were treated by some employers and felt that discrimination was a very common experience among some of them. This study is also the first to compare the five migration groups with other immigrants from Asia. The findings that ethnic.
Asian immigrants had a higher number of female than other immigrant groups are surprising because Asians are usually seen as very traditional. Although the researchers found that East Asians were more conservative than other Asian groups, this gender difference was not found in the Filipino group. Immigration Policy and Legal Studies
In 2005, the United States Congress passed the Protect and Serve Act. This law established requirements for H-1B and H-2B visas. It defined who can receive these visas. One of the requirements is that all H-1B applications are reviewed to ensure that the employer will hire a skilled worker in a specialty occupation.
The authorities make random selections and they have an average cap of 65,000 each year. Congress has set an annual cap of 65,000 for H-1B and 20,000 for H-2B visas for nonimmigrants. It also limited the number of these visas for each person in a given occupation to 20 percent of the number of vacancies.
In the area. In the cap system, an occupation can receive an unlimited number of visas. An H-1B visa is given to the employee of an employer who is a company outside the United States, and an H-2B visa is given to the employee of an employer who is a non-U.S.
Citizen working in the United States for a limited term for a non-specialty occupation. There are many specializations in the accounting, law, engineering and nursing field where an employer wants to hire a foreigner with a U.S. employer.
An employer can also sponsor an employee for a student visa. The H-1B visas are given to employer to hire a foreigner with a bachelor’s degree or higher in a specialty occupation, such as accounting, engineering, or computer programming.
There is a cap of 65,000 visas for a nonimmigrant with this type of visa, and an additional 20,000 for those who work with graduates. This allows employers to recruit from the pool of skilled professionals.
An employer can use H-1-B visas to replace employees or allow foreign workers to work as regular employees and receive an hourly wage. The H-2B visas are given to non-U.S. citizen to work in the United State for up to six month for non-specialty occupation.
Such as accounting, nursing, public safety, sales and customer service. There is a cap of 20,000 visas for these types of visas. The employer can use these visas for either part-time or full-time employment for non-specialty occupations, such as nursing, public safety, sales and customer service
Again, the employer can employ either a regular employee or a non-U.S. worker and receive an hourly wage. A non-U.S. worker with H-2B visa can receive the same salary as the full-time worker.
This means that the employer may hire the foreign worker with H-2B visa and then temporarily replace the original employee with the H-2B visa worker for an employment term of one year.
This allows the employer to avoid hiring two workers with the same salary. In other words, the U.S. government is trying to encourage employers.