In today’s time millions of people are suffering from hair fall problems, you can practice these 3 pranayama regularly to stop hair falls.
In today’s time, due to modern lifestyle and food, people are falling prey to many problems. On one hand, where modernity has made life easy and simple, on the other hand, it also has negative effects on the body and health. Due to modern lifestyle and food, there are many health-related problems, in which hair fall is also a major problem. Although there are many reasons for the problem of hair fall, diet and lifestyle also have an effect on it. Pranayama and Yoga are considered very beneficial in the problem of hair loss. By regularly practicing some yoga asanas and pranayama, you can control the problem of hair fall. The problem of hair fall has a direct connection with our mental health and physical health. In such a situation, by doing regular practice of these 3 pranayamas, you can get rid of the problem of hair fall.
Let us know about them.
If you want to learn different types of yoga asana then you can enroll in a Retreat for Depression.
Causes of hair fall problem:
Generally, genetic reasons have been considered responsible for the problem of hair loss. But in today’s time, due to food and lifestyle, the problem of hair loss at an early age is being seen in most people. The problem of hair loss is also due to diseases in many people. Some of the main causes of hair fall are as follows.
- Hair loss problem due to genetics.
- Hair loss due to thyroid, anorexia, ringworm of the scalp, and anemia.
- The problem of hair loss is due to the consumption of certain medicines.
- Hair loss due to cancer.
- The problem of hair fall due to pollution, food and bad lifestyle.
- The problem of hair loss due to depression, mental illness, etc.
Practice these 3 pranayamas in the problem of hair fall:
Stress and mental illnesses have also been considered the main reason behind the problem of hair loss. The practice of Pranayama daily is beneficial to getting rid of mental problems. Regular practice of Pranayama not only gives relief from mental problems like stress and anxiety but is also beneficial in keeping the body healthy. With the practice of pranayama, the circulation of blood throughout the body is good. Regular practice of these 3 pranayamas is beneficial for getting rid of the problem of hair fall and for hair growth.
1. The practice of Anulom-Vilom Pranayama in the problem of hair fall:
Along with keeping the lungs healthy, the practice of Anulom-Vilom Pranayama is also very beneficial in the problem of hair fall. Thia pranayama is also called Nadi Shodhana Pranayama. Regular practice of it also benefits mental problems like stress and anxiety. By practicing Anulom-Vilom, the circulation of blood in the body is also done properly and also works to nourish the hair and scalp. You can get benefits from the problem of hair fall by regular practice of Anulom-Vilom Pranayama. This pranayama should not be practiced in hernia, high blood pressure, and serious diseases related to the heart.
How to do Anulom-Vilom Pranayama:
You can follow these steps to practice this Pranayama.
- First, sit on a yoga mat or mat in a clean and ventilated place.
- After this comes the posture of Padmasana.
- And hold the nose with the little finger and thumb of your right hand.
- Then now place the left hand on the knee.
- And after this, close one nostril and take a deep breath.
- Now slowly exhale through the other nostril.
- And now close the other nostril and repeat the same process from the opposite side.
2. Kapalbhati Pranayama:
This Pranayama is the most powerful pranayama to control the breath. Regular practice of this pranayama helps in delivering oxygen to your brain. And its regular practice is considered very beneficial for the nervous system of the body and also helps in flushing out toxins from the body. Practicing Kapalbhati is also beneficial in problems like stress and depression. The practice of this pranayama is considered beneficial in the problem of diabetes and obesity. You can practice Kapalbhati in the problem of hair fall due to stress and mental problems.
How to practice Kapalbhati Pranayama:
- To practice Kapalbhati Pranayama, sit in a ventilated place on a yoga mat or mat.
- And now bend both your legs and apply Padmasana.
- After coming into the position of Padmasana, exhale forcefully out of your breath.
- After that breathe slowly inwards.
- And keep breathing in and out like this without stopping for about 5 minutes.
- In the beginning, it can be a little difficult to breathe in and out like this.
3. Bhastrika Pranayama:
This pranayama is the most important type of Pranayama. By practicing this pranayama daily, both the blood and nervous system of your body are purified. The practice of this pranayama is considered very beneficial for preventing hair fall and for their growth. Practicing Bhastrika Pranayama also helps in reducing belly fat. The practice of this pranayama is also beneficial for detoxifying the body.
How to practice Bhastrika Pranayama:
You can follow these steps to practice Bhastrika Pranayama.
- First, sit in the position of Vajrasana in a cool and airy place.
- And now keep both your hands in Gyan Mudra.
- After this, breathe deeply inwards and exhale.
- Breathe in and out like this 10 times through both the nostrils.
- Repeat this process 5 times daily on an empty stomach.
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Apart from doing regular practice of these pranayamas, you need a healthy diet to prevent hair fall. Eat a healthy and balanced diet regularly. Apart from this, dirt and pollution also damage the hair, so to prevent your hair from falling, make sure to clean them regularly in the right way.
Hope you liked this article and now you have understood well about Pranayamas.