Digestive System Disease Overview
Digestive System Diseases include Stomach aches, gas, heartburn, and other digestion issues can be painful, but providentially, they regularly don’t cause anxiety. Occasionally, though, these symptoms may signify a more thoughtful health disorder. Conversation with your doctor if you contemplate you might have one of these common digestive disorders.
1. Achalasia cardia
A chronic disease characterized by an intermittent violation of the patency of the esophagus caused by the narrowing of its section in front of the entrance to the stomach (called “cardia”) and the expansion of the superior sites. It can develop at any age. Symptoms and course.
Complaints about regurgitation – the return of food eaten into the oral cavity with an admixture of mucus and saliva, more often when bending forward (for example, when washing floors, tying shoelaces on a shoe, etc. “lace symptom”). Chest pains or Digestive System resemble those with angina pectoris, they also disappear when taking nitroglycerin, but never.
2. Disease of the operated stomach
This disease includes pathological changes in the body that developed after resection of the stomach for periods of different duration: Gastritis of the stomach stump. Chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stump, i.e. the part of the stomach left after the operation.
Complaints: decreased appetite, aching pain and a feeling of heaviness in the Digestive System after eating, sometimes diarrhea, decreased disability, belching with air or food. Treatment: frequent fractional meals in small portions, preparations containing pancreatic enzymes, as after surgery on.
3. Peptic ulcer of the small intestine
In the long term after the operation, an ulcer may open in the section of the small intestine, located immediately after the stomach. Persistent pain in the pit of the stomach, worse after eating, can be very intense. The presence of an ulcer is established by gastroscopy and X-ray examination. The most effective method of treatment is surgical.
4. Dumping syndrome
Disorders in the patient’s condition associated with the rapid and irregular evacuation of food from the stomach. The main signs: attacks of general weakness immediately after eating or after 10 to 15 minutes “early afternoon syndrome”. With “late afternoon syndrome” these phenomena occur 23 hours after eating, usually after consuming sweet drinks, confectionery, milk, fatty foods, accompanied by dizziness, fever, sweating of the skin, palpitations. Blood pressure can rise or fall. Stool prone to diarrhea. In the Digestive System, patients note the severity.
5. Chronic pancreatitis
Inflammation of the pancreas can develop immediately after surgery and at a later date. The main symptom of pain in the upper abdomen, in moments of exacerbation of the encircling nature. With severe inflammation, the temperature rises, diarrhea appears. Treatment in a hospital setting.
Adductor gut syndrome. Can develop only after gastric resection according to Billroth 2. The contents of the intestine mixed with bile are thrown back into the stomach. Complaints: heaviness in the stomach, nausea, bitterness in the mouth, vomiting is possible 13 hours after eating with an admixture of bile.
6. Anemia
Anemia Decrease in blood hemoglobin as a result of iron and vitamin B12 deficiency, associated with malabsorption due to a decrease in the area of the gastric mucosa. Treatment: vitamin B12 injections, iron supplements in doses as recommended by a doctor.
7. Acute gastritis
Inflammation of the gastric mucosa, developed under the influence of chemical, mechanical, and bacterial factors. Symptoms and course. It starts off sharply. There are pains in the epigastric region, nausea, sometimes vomiting of eaten food mixed with mucus, bile, general weakness.
In severe cases, a decrease in blood pressure, rapid pulse, pallor of the skin, sometimes an increase in temperature. Recognition. Gastroscopy reveals swelling, redness of the mucous membrane, punctate hemorrhages, and erosion. The patient needs to make an electrocardiogram.
8. Chronic gastritis
Chronic gastritis Disease of the stomach, manifested by prolonged inflammation of its mucous membrane. The course is undulating in the form of exacerbations and prolonged remissions. Symptoms The manifestations of gastritis during an exacerbation depend on the acidity of the gastric juice.
With secretory insufficiency, predominantly heaviness and aching pains in the stomach, a feeling of fullness after eating, nausea, regurgitation, belching, more often with air. Due to stomach discomfort, some people restrain themselves from eating, which leads to weight loss. Discomfort gives rise to diarrhea; the stool is mushy, without mucus admixture.
9. Erosive gastritis
It is characterized by the presence of erosions in the gastric mucosa. They appear more often in the spring-autumn period, after stressful situations, with irregular nutrition. Their healing (up to 2 months or more) depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Symptoms and course.
The pain is much more intense than with other forms of gastritis, often associated with food intake. Sometimes they are complicated by gastric bleeding. Erosive gastritis can be with any acidity. Diagnosis can only be made with gastroscopy.
10. Giant hypertrophic gastritis
A very rare form of gastritis, another name for Menetrie’s disease. It is usually manifested by protein-free edema of the lower extremities, lumbar region, anemia. The main clinical manifestations: pain in the epigastric region, nausea, vomiting, exhaustion.
A decrease in the level of protein in the blood occurs due to the loss of proteins through the altered gastric mucosa. Recognition. During gastroscopy, the gastric mucosa looks like wide swollen folds. In blood tests, anemia is determined, low hemoglobin, hypoproteinemia, low protein level.
11. Mallarn syndrome
Men who abuse alcohol are more likely to suffer. It is manifested by esophageal bleeding from longitudinal tears of the mucous membrane or its erosions in the region of the junction of the esophagus with the stomach during persistent vomiting. Sometimes it is complicated by hemorrhage in the lesser omentum, which is accompanied by intense pain in the abdomen.
12. Polyposis of the stomach
The growth of polyps of the gastric mucosa from single to multiple, sometimes occupying a large area. When they undergo erosion against the background of chronic gastritis, they speak of eroded polypous gastritis. Recognition. Esophagogastroscopy with mucosal biopsy, gastric fluoroscopy. Repeated examination of the stomach for control every 612 months. Chronic gastritis treatment. Basic adherence to the dietary regime and the same hours 45 times a day.
13. Gastroptosis
Descent of the stomach, with an extremely pronounced degree in the small pelvis. It develops in persons with a poorly trained abdominal wall of the abdomen, with constant physical overstrain.
Maybe asymptomatic or with complaints of heaviness in the stomach after eating, and after liquid food “gurgling” in the Digestive System when walking, bending over. It is recommended that rational employment without lifting weights and wearing a bandage is recommended.
14. Hemochromatosis
A chronic hereditary disease characterized by a violation of iron metabolism, its increased content in the blood and the accumulation of hemosiderin in the form of a substance in the cells of the liver, pancreas, heart and other internal organs with the development of fibrosis in them, as well as in the skin with a change in its color.
Symptoms and course. It is clinically manifested by the following triad: cirrhosis of the liver (the earliest and most persistent symptom), diabetes mellitus, increased blood sugar and the appearance of sugar in the urine, dark brown skin color. The disease develops slowly and fast.
15. Acute alcoholic hepatitis
It develops after taking a large amount of alcohol, as well as with chronic abuse of alcoholic beverages, both with the previously unchanged liver and against the background of existing disease (fatty hepatosis, chronic hepatitis B, liver cirrhosis).
Complaints: pain in the right hypochondrium or upper abdomen of varying intensity, nausea, vomiting, the temperature may rise to 38 ° C. After 12 days, jaundice appears. Ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity) are a variable phenomenon.
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