The urge of seeking help from online assignment help services will decrease if your conceptions of mathematics are clear. And to have a clear conception of Mathematics, a good foundation of representing numbers in various ways is important. But along with this, you also need to know that each presentation means the same thing. The more you will see the numbers in different ways it will expand your understanding of numbers.
Dealing with small numbers is easier than dealing with high-value numbers. And it becomes a lot harder for a student to count complicated numbers. But if you know the ways to write a number differently, it will be easy for you to know the value of a number.
In addition, you won’t need a Plagiarism checker service for your mathematics assignment if you have a good grasp of numbers. Here are the easiest five ways to represent a number.
- Standard Form:
The standard form includes writing numbers through digits. Writing numbers in standard form are mainly used in mathematics. It might sound obvious but as a student, you should know the way to write numbers in standard form. Examples of standard forms are 168 and 5,245. Besides, students also should know how to read numbers written in standard form. According to the experts of essay editing services, students mess up with putting numbers in pages and indexes.
For example, it is incorrect to say ‘and’ when there is a comma in a number. Such as many students will read the numbers 5,245 as five thousand and two hundred forty-five. This is not the right way to read a number. You can only use the word ‘and to read a decimal number. Well, opting out for an APA referencing generator is a good option to create a proper referencing style. But as a learner, you must know how to create a reference list properly with numbering.
Learning standard forms of reading and writing numbers might sound very basic.
But tis form is the most used form for the students. If they don’t understand the standard form of number appropriately, it will create confusion in the long run. Even if you are a literature student, you will need to write numbers in standard form to create an essay outline.
- Word Form:
Word form is the second most popular web student can see numbers in his life. Because a student needs to understand that 35 and ‘thirty-five’ stand for the same thing. Besides, they need to know how to write numbers correctly. Even, to create an appropriate essay structure, you have to put numbers in the right way in the right place.
Talking about essays, you must use citations like APSA Citation wherever needed in your essay. Playing number show and tell is a great way to learn the word form of writing numbers. The teacher will give the students a whiteboard and dry erase marker.
Then he will say the standard form of a number which you have to write in word form on that board. Then on saying “SHOW”, you have to show what you have written and on saying “TELL”, you have to say it loudly. This way, you will learn both the standard and word forms of writing numbers.
- Place Value Chart:
Another significant way to write numbers is inside a place value chart. As a student, you should understand that the digit ‘4’ does not always stand the same way. The placement of a digit inside a number is important as it changes the value of the number. A place value chart will be helpful equipment to understand this thing.
Every student should be taught to understand that a number can be explained by its place value and face value differently. Such as, the number 255 will be called “two hundred fifty-five,” and by place value: “2 hundred, 5 tens, and 5 ones.” Learning this will help a student to create connections between the different forms of numbers.
In addition, if you are struggling with citations in your assignment on numbers you can use ASA citation generator.
- Expanded Form:
Once you understand the place value chart, the next step is to learn the expanded form of writing numbers. It is easy to represent higher digit numbers as units, tens, hundreds and thousands using the expanded form. The expanded form helps in better understanding of higher digits and makes it easy to read. For example, a number of the form 20050, might be problematic to understand directly. But it becomes easy when presented in expanded form as 20050 = 20,000 + 50.
The expansion of a number includes the separation of digits based on their place values. And this intermediate step makes you understand how to read the numbers. To the expanded form you will know the place value of each digit placed in a number.
The expanded form includes three different ways to write a number. For example, you have the number 5648. You can write this using three ways which are –
First way as 5648 = 5000 + 600 + 40 + 8
Second way as 5648 = 5 × 1000 + 6 × 100 + 4 × 10 + 8 × 1
Third way as 5648 = 5 × thousands + 6 × hundreds + 4 × tens + 8 × ones
Here are some ways to which you can find the expanded form of a number –
- Transfer the number in its standard form.
- Figure out the place values using the place value chart.
- Multiply the digits with their respective place values.
- Frame each digit as digit × place value
- Rewrite the number as the product of the place values and the digits.
- Pictorial or object representation
The final way to learn number writing is pictorial or object representation. In kindergarten and first grade, kids are taught counting using real objects. But it is tough to do as they grow older. And the solution to this is using place value blocks. These blocks will play a significant role to bridge the gap between their knowledge of place value and the physical representation of a number.
But arranging enough blocks to represent higher numbers is also a problem. Drawing pictures or using pictures is the solution for this situation. This way, the student will get to learn how to use small squares, long rectangles, large squares and cubes as 1, 10, 100 and 1000 respectively.
Except for drawing place value blocks, there are ways to represent numbers.
Pictorial representation of numbers using tally marks, drawing a set of objects or ten frames will be helpful to represent numbers.
Wrapping up:
Sensing numbers is a significant part of studying as a young Math learner. It not only promotes confidence but also encourages flexible thinking. It allows them to build relationships with numbers and to talk about mathematics as a language. Numbers are more like letters. Just like you put together some letters to make a meaningful sound, every number has a value that creates a number when put together.
Author Bio:
Oliver Blake is a professor of Mathematics, currently teaching in a renowned university in the UK. He has been associated with for several years providing Mathematics assignment help Online for students on request. In addition, Oliver likes trekking and novel reading in his free time.
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