The espresso machine or small espresso maker is a popular small appliance choice for coffee lovers who enjoy a variety of coffee drinks. Owning one allows you to have coffee, latte, cappuccino, and a variety of coffee drinks that are difficult to prepare with a simple coffee maker.
Deciding on the type of espresso machine to buy requires understanding the different types available in the market. Models range from fully automatic machines to stovetop espresso machines. In all, there are 8 different types of manufacturers and possibly more that are not publicized.
Most people will choose the semi-automatic or automatic maker. The semi-automatic espresso machine uses a pump to force water through the machine and create the espresso while the fully automatic machine controls the water that circulates through the machine to brew the espresso.
Fully automatic manufacturers have many other automatic features such as automatic doors, bean grinders, temperature controls, and even receptacles where used ground coffee is placed until the owner empties it.
The first small espresso maker and those that can still be found in homes in many European countries were the cookers. These are three-tier pots, one pot holds coffee, one-pot holds water and another is a filter basket. The heat forces the water through the lower chamber and the middle pot and up to the top where the espresso finally comes to rest.
Steam espresso machines are extensions of the stovetop machine and create espresso very similar to that created by the stovetop machine. This espresso machine led to the piston espresso machine which is responsible for the delicious crema that makes espresso the drink for which it is known in the coffee world. In the piston machine, manual force is required to operate the machine.
The motor pump espresso machine was the technological advancement of the piston maker. This brand of espresso paved the way for today’s modern espresso machines that are semi-automatic and automatic. There are espresso devotees who believe that it takes manual force or a piston machine to create quality espresso; However, the majority of machines used today are some form of automatic.
The progression of the espresso machine has gone through many stages. From the rudimentary stovetop to the fully automatic espresso version found in homes and cafes around the world. No matter what type of espresso machine you use, the end result is a rich, dark cup of espresso, perfect for drinking or making a creamy latte.
Espresso machines
Espresso machines are not only a fundamental product for baristas, but also for the gourmet coffee lover at home! Today, more and more people are looking to save money by making their own gourmet coffee at home. Lattes, cappuccino, espresso, mochas, and many other drinks are easy to prepare once you own a quality espresso machine.
I received my first espresso machine a few years ago as a Christmas present from my mother-in-law. She bought a luxury platinum coffee maker that also served as an espresso machine. It was a wonderful gift and I have been using it for years now! Mine even came with a milk frother which is a must-have for anyone who loves a cappuccino. I find that I tend to use my one-cup Keurig for drinking coffee every day, but on special occasions or when the company is over I use the espresso machine for a gourmet coffee. That day, she also bought a stainless steel grain mill and espresso milk frother, pitcher.
The price of espresso machines ranges from around $ 50 to $ 500 and up. It depends on how much espresso you want to brew and, of course, how much money you have to spend. Additionally, premium machines are also known to brew faster, which is perfect for small mom and pop cafes or people who really want espresso in seconds.
These days, you can buy an espresso machine just about anywhere. I’ve seen popular models for sale at Macy’s, Amazon, Bed Bath & Beyond, Williams Sonoma, and Target to name a few. Some of the more popular espresso machine brands include De’Longhi, Breville, Capresso, and Nespresso. Each of them has rave reviews and appears to be very easy to use.
Another great feature of these machines is that they are designed for any kitchen. I have a cherry red kitchen and there is absolutely no shortage of manufacturers to match the decor. I also saw them in black, white, and platinum for this kitchen with stainless steel appliances. From small to large manufacturers, gourmet coffee drinks are just steps away.
Why you should be a home espresso maker
Today, espresso consumption rates around the world are increasing dramatically, as are its costs. It’s no surprise that more and more people are becoming espresso machines at home. Currently, there are many high-quality espresso machines, coffee grinders, and even coffee bean roasters available at very reasonable prices. With all the equipment available and with some additional knowledge, the number of home espresso machines will certainly continue to increase. There are four basic reasons why one should consider embarking on this amazing practice or hobby and they are; better coffee quality, cost savings, convenience, and social enjoyment.
1. Coffee Quality: While there are some great little coffees that produce a great drink, there just aren’t enough of them. Big chain-type coffees produce an adequate beverage, but by no means can compete with home-brewed drinks, even by a moderately accomplished coffee lover. Many home espresso machines even roast their own beans, which is a huge plus and not at all difficult to do. Another very important factor is to put the drink in an already warmed glass or porcelain cup rather than using a paper cup. This is done by many small stores but not the big chains and it really improves the drink.
2. Savings: Cost savings can be the most compelling reason for being a home espresso machine. If someone is roasting at home and there is no good reason not to, the savings could be as high as 75%. High-quality whole-bean coffee can go up to $ 12-14 per half a pound. Green (unroasted) coffee beans are readily available in the $ 6 a pound range. With a price of $ 3-4 for a latte plus an extra tip at your local cafe, it’s easy to save a lot of money doing these things at home. By saving time, the purchase price of the equipment is recouped and you actually reduce your costs.
3. Convenience: The convenience of getting up in the morning and going to the kitchen to create your favorite espresso drink is excellent. It is also pleasant to go directly to your workplace by car without having to stop. Not only do you get your coffee fix sooner, but your commute is much easier and faster. It’s really nice to eliminate the long lines.
4. Social fun: I know, how can you be more social than hanging out with friends over a nice cappuccino in your favorite cafe? What do you say about this? How about having close friends to start or end the day in the comfort of your own home? You are now playing your favorite music in the background, not someone else’s, or maybe no music at all. And now you talk and socialize without having to eavesdrop or asking others to eavesdrop on your conversation. Finally, and certainly, the best part is being able to share your expertise and your favorite espresso recipes with the ones you love.
There is something about the atmosphere of a cafe that cannot be replaced at home. This writing is not intended to attempt to eliminate patronage from cafes, large or small. These stores are here to stay and should be appreciated by all who are interested in doing so. The intention here is to highlight the benefits of being a home espresso machine and to remind everyone that the process is very enjoyable. It can be very simple or get involved as much as you want, the choice is yours.