If you’re like most people, you probably find yourself wondering how much time you should spend reading each day. The answer, of course, depends on a number of factors, including your reading level, the type of material you’re reading, and your personal preferences. That’s why we’ve created the Word Counter.
The Word Counter is an easy-to-use time-tracking tool for reading different types of materials, including fiction, non-fiction, etc. It automatically generates time estimates for pages read, pages skipped, and total reading time for each file you select.
There’s a pretty obvious performance benefit to spending more time reading, but most of us aren’t actually very good at doing this. The Word Counter will help you track how much time you spend reading each day and provide recommendations on how to increase your reading efficiency and reduce the amount of time you waste.
The time estimates are accurate within a few seconds of your reading. Just press a button to start the timer, and you can set the elapsed time on the toolbar to show you how much time you spent on that book or article. Or just press a button to stop the timer.
This tool can be useful in a few ways. You can use it to optimize your time to read so that you read the most valuable content first. You can also use it to track how much time you spend reading and see which websites you most visit and what you read.
To configure the Word Counter, visit our website https://www.wordsoft.io/