Yoga is believed to be the ultimate solution for every aspect. Your entire body can be changed and polished if you do everyday yoga. But one thing is for sure that is you have to be regular with all the exercises and poses. Similarly, through yoga, you can achieve radiant and ever glowing skin. There are so many Excercise and this can be achieved with yoga. In the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, there are plenty of poses that have been in use for a year now in providing glowing skin to all those celebrities put there.
Thus if you want to have such radiant skin then just follow these steps and practice all these poses every day. There is no need to apply expensive cosmetics and creams when you have such fine and easy techniques. Yes, yoga results may be slow but you can feel the change from the interior. Also, yoga is one such thing that has no side effects. Thus let us begin with all the poses that can be used to get radiant skin and how often one should practice it.
Pose 1-
Bow pose / Dhanurasana- This pose is very much suited for the morning where you aim to give excessive pressure on the abdomen. In the process, the body will get detoxified and the skin will glow also helps in any sort of back problem. This pose is again a great stress buster and will help one to lose all the tummy facts.
How to Do-
- Place your body in a sitting position just like a chair.
- Keep the hand by both your side and keep the palms in such a position where they are facing the top.
- Hold your ankles with both your hands
- Hold this pose for a few seconds and fall back on a lying position.
Pose 2-
Cobra Pose/ Bhujangasana– By looking at the pose one must think that this might be a great one for the back problem but unfortunately it is not. But we surely can assure you that this is one of the best for your skin The main reason why this pose helps in glowing radiant skin is that this pose allows one to take the maximum amount of oxygen. A great amount of oxygen intake helps in the purification of blood and thus the skin’s glow. This is one of the best poses and is highly practiced in yoga and you can learn more about this and yoga nidra online through a yoga nidra teacher training online course.
How to Do-
- You need to bring your body to a padmasana position and slowly need backward.
- Then your head should be on the ground with your chest up and your hand on the ground.
- You need to hold this pose for a few seconds and then again release it.
- Do this for a few seconds to get results.
Pose 3-
Plough Pose/ Halasana– The one main aspect of radiant skin is how your blood circulation is working thus this is the exact pose that improves the overall blood circulation of the body and helps in the improvement of the skin.
How to Do-
- Stand straight with hands on your side and legs joined.
- Then slowly come down by exhaling and pushing your nose to touch the knee.
- Keep your back and legs straight and come down as much as possible. repeat this step and continue it to get results.
Pose- 4
Camel Pose/ Ustrasana– This pose is a very good asana for stretching the abdominal and also relieves one from menstrual cramps. The pose itself tells one how helpful it is to reduce belly fat. the main reason why this pose is one of the best for glowing skin is that it enhances the entire blood circulation which is one key component.
How to Do-
- Lie down straight with hands and legs joined.
- Slowly bring your leg up and keep it in a position where the leg is nighty degrees to your body.
- Try and do with hands on the side but if not possible support your back with your hands.
- Hold the pose for 2 mins and do it daily to get good results.
Mountain Pose/ Tadasana- One of the best and most wanted poses for radiant and glowing skin. This improves breathing and blood circulation in the body. These two aspects are the most important ones in your routine when it comes to attaining glowing skin. Thus this is a must. Also, this asana improves the rhythmic balance of the body which is again a very important element for your glowing skin.
How to Do-
- For this pose, all you need to do is stand straight with your feet and hands nearly together but few inches apart. Hands will be by your s
- Stretch the shoulders and chest and go up on your toes slowly. All these poses should be done pretty slowly and calmly.
- This pose has to be repeated 3-4 times a day slowly and steadily.
Seated Forward Bend Pose/Paschiottanasana- The is a pretty difficult pose and involves a lot of starching in the body. The pose has multiple benefits and also helps you in several other ways apart from glowing skin. This will improve your back pain, reduce belly fat, and also helps in reducing stress anxiety apart from glowing skin. Thus one pose with so many benefits so this is a pose that surely needs to be practiced. This will reduce all your wrinkles and marks on the face. Also, this makes the skin very soft. All you need to do is repeat this pose daily and dedicate 3 – 4 mins to this one. Hold this pose and you will surely get results within few days.
How to Do-
- For doing this pose all you need to do is sit down on the grounds with your legs stretched. Legs will be on the very front of you.
- Hen put your hands by your side and palms beside your thighs.
- Bend towards the front side and in a way you need to touch your legs. While doing this process inhale slowly.
- Hold the toes and be there for about 10 to 15 seconds and meanwhile slowly exhale.
- Then again slowly return to the sitting position.
- Do this pose 34 times to get satisfying results. Also, this pose has to be done very slowly.
Thus these are few poses that will bring glowing and radiant skin. But apart from the poses, one must also know few other facts and points like you need to have a good diet as well as main the digestive system. Because if there are problems with your bowels then there will be a great problem with your skin. Drinking plenty of water for glowing skin is another such thing that needs to be in mind. After that reducing the intake of heavy oil, fast and junk food, sugar needs to be co trilled. Then if you do these poses and asanas you will get good help.
But besides the yoga and poses, you also need to do these things. Also, all the poses that are mentioned here are to be done slowly and if you have any problem with any of the poses please stop doing them immediately. Any yoga poses with uneasiness will surely not give you any benefit. The next point to keep in mind is while doing all these poses be empty stomach and try to do it in the morning. Keep your body hydrated and also try to follow a basic skincare routine. With all these, we hope you get radiant, glowing, and super healthy eye-catching skin.
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