. “Cultivation technician,” “tree defoliation specialist,” “Bud manicurist,” etc. No matter what term you use, Trimmers are an integral part of today’s cannabis business.
With over 30 states now permitting medicinal or recreational cannabis sales, the market has grown heavily regulated to accommodate demand. There are some constants in the world of cannabis, whether for medicinal or recreational use; trimming, though, is no longer a purely geographical or seasonal affair.
Thousands of people now spend their whole year dedicated to trimming. This might be due to the fact that, contrary to popular belief, professionals do believe that human interaction is essential when preparing cannabis for sale to the public.
Can you please explain the meaning of the term “trimmer”?
The main responsibility of the Trimmer is to strip the cannabis plant of its stalks and outer leaves. This exposes the precious nugget that will be crushed, smoked, or vaporised by some lucky person.
There are a lot of skilled Trimmers in the industry because it is the most common entry-level job in the cannabis industry. In some cases, and depending on the product, the best and quickest can shave off several pounds each day without sacrificing quality or meeting the client’s standards.
Sure, machines can “get ‘er done” faster, but at the expense of a lot of accuracy. There will still be some human touch-up involved if you go the machine way, but you should be able to get anything to the point where it can be sold in a dispensary.
There are a lot of dispensaries out there trying to sell flower, therefore it’s crucial that your product has good “bag appeal” to the customer.
The demand from consumers and the prevalence of boutique strains are raising standards, which will lead to lower prices down the line. Most respectable grows still rely on full-time employees or contract workers known as “Trimmers” to process their output.
Best practises, or “Dos” and “Don’ts,” should be followed in every profession. In an effort to enlighten newcomers to the field and give voice to the concerns of seasoned professionals, this article discusses a number of these suggestions, methods, and bits of advice pertaining to for best scissors for bud trimming.
There are numerous competing perspectives about the “optimal” technique to trim, therefore it stands to reason that some of the concepts presented here will be contested. Given the subjectivity involved, this is not a how-to guide on the best or quickest approach. Instead, we hope to shed light on certain lesser-known issues while also reinforcing the most fundamental and essential guidelines, some of which may be unspoken.
Observe all regulations to ensure your safety.
Safety and regulation adherence should always come first. The classic adage, “safety first,” is especially pertinent in this situation. Pay attention to potential dangers and try to avoid bringing any on yourself. If pollen, dust, or the plant’s oils trigger an extreme allergic reaction in you, feel free to request protective gear like a mask or respirator.
You should make “compliance, compliance, and compliance” your new life motto. It is your responsibility as an employee in the cannabis sector to be well-versed in and abide by all applicable local, regional, and state laws. Learn the local regulations by doing your research. It’s easy to rack up hefty costs if you’re not familiar with local regulations.
Maintaining Compliance While Trimming
It goes without saying that you shouldn’t toke up in the dispensary’s parking lot, nor should you bring cannabis into a licenced institution. People will still do it, I’m sure, but I can tell you from personal experience that it’s a surefire way to receive the boot. My first trimming job in Colorado ended because I foolishly brought an alcoholic beverage with an energising substance to work. Unfortunately, I had to find out the hard way.
If you go, leave everything behind.
Even if it’s only a nug that “accidentally” slipped into your pocket or some trim that got stuck to your shoe, you shouldn’t take any product OUT of a registered business. The marijuana in question is not yours. Don’t take some buds from the trim bin and flip your glove inside out. Trim managers are aware of this tactic, but it is one of the oldest in the book. That’s why it’s common practise for many establishments to collect gloves as patrons leave the trim area. And, you know, you’re always being filmed.
I once witnessed a Trimmer use a glove to scoop up a bunch of kief (the yellowish dust made of trichomes that came off the plant after processing) from his table and put it in his pocket. I once worked at a business that encouraged (but later outlawed) the collection of “finger hash” from our gloves. Never take any goods out of the area, not even in your pocket, no matter what you might believe.
Get ready to humble yourself.
Medical scrubs, a hairnet, a face mask, or a beard guard may be required in addition to gloves while handling product at some facilities. The condition of your hair might worsen. You might come across as a fool. However, employees have little choice but to abide with their companies’ policies or go elsewhere for employment. There was this one place where my wife worked where she had to shower before going into the Grow area, and it really bothered her. Wear appropriate attire, particularly shoes with closed toes, to make the process simpler.
Honor the blossom.
image with a picture backdrop of someone using scissors for trimming buds, to cut blossoms, and teal lettering in a box reading “Respect The Flower.”
Whether you’re a permanent part of a Grow’s trimming staff or just helping out for the day, you still have a responsibility to treat the flower you’re processing with respect.
Keep it off the floor and away from potential sources of contamination (such as jars of isopropyl alcohol packed with, which may and will leak). For a Trimmer, nothing is worse than the sinking feeling that comes with realising they’ve trodden on something firm, yet kind of mushy.
Take care not to disrespect the plant. If you or a coworker drops any, pick it up right away and check with the crew leader to see if it should add to the trim pile or kept in the buds. In many communities, anything that falls to the ground considers trash or hash.
Pay attention to what other people are using and don’t touch anything without permission.
While many workplaces may supply basic cutting equipment, genuine professionals usually invest in their own set of instruments so they can use the precise devices they are already accustomed to. It’s best not to mess with someone’s own pair of scissors.
Keep your distance, best scissors for bud trimming please. Rooms with less available square feet can quickly fill up, so best scissors for bud trimming take care not to crowd the space. Attempt not to bump into, kick, or otherwise disturb anyone around you. It’s especially annoying and distracting when it happens when a Trimmer is “in the zone” with headphones on.
Be sure to maintain trimming scissors cannabis clean cutting edges.
Use of dull blades will increase the difficulty and decrease the efficiency with which you trim cannabis flower. With a sharp, clean edge, work can do more quickly and efficiently. In order to achieve the greatest results, it best scissors for bud trimming recommends using numerous pairs of scissors. Clean them in between usage by dipping them into a jar of isopropyl. Alcohol or scraping them with a razor blade.
If you want your blades to last as long as possible and not become stuck on resin. You may lubricate them with coconut oil and use a sharpening tool.
Powdery mildew, Botrytis (bud rot), and Aspergillus. Just some of the abnormalities to keep a watch out for (a type of dangerous fungi). Spider mites and other pests are a real concern. If you have any reason to believe the product you are working on has a flaw, but you aren’t sure what to check for, you should consult internet resources for examples or speak with your supervisor.
Refrain from drawing parallels.
If you want to take it seriously as a professional. You should never talk about your previous work or make any parallels. Positive or negative, to the current one. As a general rule, it’s not a good idea to judge your own performance based on. How it compares to others at the table. This is not a contest. It’s possible that the individual sitting next to you is significantly more or less knowledgeable than best scissors for bud trimming you are. Perhaps they have a different strain or starting weight when they do their cutting. It may be tempting to rush things in an effort to stay up, but you shouldn’t. There’s a good possibility you’ll get the merchandise back. So you can do the work faster if you rush through it.
Take care trimming scissors cannabis of your body.
image shows a person pruning buds against a picture background. With “Protect Your Health” written in teal lettering in a box.
Constantly hunching over a potted plant and making little. Precise movements can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. tendinitis, and other RMDs (Repetitive Motion Disorders) in the hands and arms. Preventing these injuries can accomplish by frequent stretching and resting. If you spend all day sitting at your desk, you should try standing up every once in a while.
If you want to avoid back discomfort. You should work on best scissors for bud trimming your posture. Some workers use back braces to keep themselves comfortable during long shifts, and there are now. Lightweight scissors with weaker springs that can cut through paper with much less effort.